What Is EdTech And Why Is It Important?
The role of education is evolving from massive open online courses to in-classrooms with iPads and interactive projection displays, whiteboards, and other newer educational technological solutions. We are the living proofs that saw the education industry transform in leaps and bounds with the introduction of technology in its services. And, as learning from home became the norm in the pandemic-affected world, technology became the gateway to education. This gave a rise to education software development. For now, the credit goes to the Edtech industry that is every day trying to conventionally change the educational foundation and learning management systems.
High Performing Agile Team Characteristics
The process of software development needs to be expedited and businesses have found a way to develop software and meet customer satisfaction benchmarks. By the title, you would have guessed which methodology we are speaking about. Agile methods have been in business for over two decades and its existence is leveraged by many businesses now. The initialization of Agile practices started in the manifesto when the representatives from all types of programming met from extreme programming Scrum, feature-driven programming, and other pragmatic programming languages. That's when the initialization of Agile as a methodology took place.
How To Build A Banking App: A Step-By-Step Guide
Mobile banking is a very popular concept and it offers convenience and flexibility services within just a click. Basically, these applications can be utilized from anywhere at any time. And with the growth in these online banking services, traditional financial institutions and the banking industry have started to meet the latest market trends to attract users.
How to Develop a Fintech App: A Step-by-Step Guide
With time the financial industry has started adopting the latest technology stack to serve its clients. This has coined a new term called Fintech (financial technology). It means combining finance and technology together to create platforms from budgeting apps to transferring money. Fintech is a very powerful and fastest-growing area in the world....
Best Fintech APIs For Finance Software
Fintech application programming interfaces (APIs) are known for transforming various financial industries. Financial software development companies adopt these APIs to use them in getting new financial services, applications, and business models into the market. To know more about it, let us go through this blog.
Top 10 Key Roles in a Software Development Team
Software development teams are responsible for creating unique solutions for the clients and the team consists of more roles than just developers and a CTO. They have various skilled and professional experts who can help in making the IT project successful with their critical thinking. And this is why it is very important for any business owner to choose the software development services that have the right set of team members who are experts in each and every field.
Top 12 Crucial Software Development Principles
In the evolving tech world to create high-quality software solutions every software development service provider should be well acquainted with the knowledge of software development principles. This means that the application’s success is inevitably dependent on the software engineers’ willingness to use these best practices for software development introduced by some of the well-known and experienced industry experts. ...
What is Software Prototyping And Its Types?
In a world where a software solution is very important for any business, the owners of organizations try to find a perfect software development service provider for their firms. And the group of developers who believe in offering a robust and unique solution to their clients follows a method that includes creating software prototypes before actually starting the development process....
How to Develop a Software Project From Scratch?
In this age of digitalization where every business owner wants to have a digital platform for his firm and this has increased the demand for software development companies. Software development is basically a process that involves creating, designing, documenting, prototyping, testing, deploying, and supporting a system for different types of businesses as per their requirements....
SDK vs API: A Detailed Comparison Guide
When it comes to creating or enhancing the features or functionality of the mobile application and website, the developers have a variety of tools to use and help them connect to other software or apps and offer a seamless user experience. For instance, an API (Application Programming Interface) is a software-to-software interface. And it offers a standardized and secure way for apps to talk to each other. It also helps in delivering functionality to each other without any issue. But when it comes to tracking options for developing features or adding functionality to an app, SDK is the best choice. There are several software development service providers that can provide you seamless experience with the optimal use of SDK for your business.
To understand the concept of SDK and API more clearly, let's go through this blog and also have a look at the difference between them.