Itesh Sharma

Itesh Sharma is core member of Sales Department at TatvaSoft. He has got more than 6 years of experience in handling the task related to Customer Management and Project Management. Apart from his profession he also has keen interest in sharing the insight on different methodologies of software development.

Top Companies Using Outsourcing Services

Tuesday November 08, 2022

Outsourcing IT services allows companies to focus on their core business process and operations. By outsourcing with professionals and specialists, businesses may reduce the overhead expenses associated with recruiting people and purchasing software. Even from the earliest stages of your firm, outsourced IT services can be advantageous, just as it has been for the following organizations that have prospered as a result of outsourcing work.

Staff Augmentation vs Outsourcing: Key Comparison!

Monday November 07, 2022

IT service providers may recommend a range of engagement strategies for IT outsourcing. It includes staff augmentation, project outsourcing, and potentially managed services, as a means of acquiring external expertise.

A Complete Guide on Web Development Outsourcing

Friday November 04, 2022

Creating a first-rate software application takes a lot of time, money, and effort, and your venture may call for a dedicated team of web developers. Do technical experts need to be brought in to ensure that your plan is carried out successfully? You may avoid this by contracting out for web development services to an IT outsourcing company.

Node JS vs Django: A Guide on Which One is Better?

Friday October 28, 2022

It is crucial for websites and online applications to have an engaging user interface that grabs and retains users' attention. It is essential, however, to have a well-constructed backend development for a seamless frontend interface. Numerous backend technology solutions like Rails, Laravel, Django, and Node.js, offer application architecture in addition to monitoring, debugging, and database management tools.

NPM Packages that Node.JS Developers Should Know

Thursday October 27, 2022

Node is the industry leader for reactive frameworks. Numerous entrepreneurs and enterprises with thousands of millions in annual sales are currently supported using Nodejs development services. Therefore, it defines its position as a platform that can support a tremendous amount of weight without sacrificing performance.

Node vs Ruby on Rails: Which Backend Framework to Choose?

Friday October 21, 2022

With the evolution of technologies, new web development tools and frameworks are appearing on the market. However, too many choices might result in confusion and uncertainties. When working in a subject as dynamic as web development, rapid and excellent outcomes are essential.

Top Healthcare Technology Trends

Thursday October 20, 2022

In the last ten years, the healthcare software development business has been propelled by technological advancements that have led to new methods of illness detection, prevention, and treatment. This would not have been possible without the rapid development of AI-driven technology and the digitalization of healthcare operations in reaction to harsher global challenges and the growing demand for more readily available and high-quality medical treatment.

What is an EHR? It’s Benefits!

Wednesday October 19, 2022

Changes in rules and policies, improvements in administrative procedures, and more technical knowledge and data utilization, the doctors' work is becoming increasingly challenging. That's why EHRs are so crucial; they allow clinicians to devote their whole attention to their patient satisfaction. They now have instant exposure to patient data, assurance of security, and simplified routine tasks.

What Is an EMR? – A Detailed Guide!

Tuesday October 18, 2022

Healthcare system is undergoing a dramatic and long-awaited transformation all thanks to the advanced Healthcare Software Development. Now more than ever, people all across the world have access to cutting-edge methods of diagnosis, therapies, and information technology that may improve the quality of care provided and eliminate errors and waste.

How to Find an App Developer?

Monday October 17, 2022

Innovations in businesses never go out of vogue; while working on innovations, you are translating the app ideas into reality. In the process of transformation, you need proper knowledge of how to find an app developer to process your app idea into reality. But the sad reality is that you don't get the right talent for mobile app development as per your business needs.