Itesh Sharma

Itesh Sharma is core member of Sales Department at TatvaSoft. He has got more than 6 years of experience in handling the task related to Customer Management and Project Management. Apart from his profession he also has keen interest in sharing the insight on different methodologies of software development.

Top Software Deployment Tools

Friday November 10, 2023

Manually installing and updating software on a large number of workstations is a time-consuming and error-prone process. Having the proper software deployment tools allows you to centrally and routinely launch, set-up, regulate, and configure software from a server or PC. 

Software Deployment: Guide and Process

Wednesday November 08, 2023

One of the most important aspects of any custom software development is the deployment procedure. Just because you have finished developing your program doesn't mean it's ready to be launched  in the market. The application will not be able to perform its function until it is deployed correctly.

Top CI/CD Tools You Must Know

Tuesday November 07, 2023

In the software development lifecycle, developers use the practice of Continuous Integration (CI) to constantly deploy code changes to the code repository. It facilitates rapid collaboration amongst software development teams  using a shared code repository.

Java Design Patterns: You Need to Know About

Friday November 03, 2023

Design patterns are reusable frameworks that are used to solve recurring design challenges of any Java development company. They function similarly to a set of blueprints from which you can deviate while attempting to address a recurrent design issue in your code.

Java vs Python: Which One is Better?

Wednesday November 01, 2023

Python and Java are two of the best and most widely used programming languages available. Both the languages are remarkably known for cross-platform compatibility and the breadth of their libraries, despite their distinctions. Each, nevertheless, excels under a different set of circumstances.

What are the Pros and Cons of Java?

Tuesday October 31, 2023

Java is a high-level programming language that is both class-based and object-oriented. It was created with the goal of requiring as little of the underlying technology as feasible. Therefore, Java has been among the most productive languages for quite some time.

Software Development Consultant: Roles & Responsibilities

Friday October 27, 2023

In today’s time where the demand for software solutions has increased, to stay ahead of the competitive edge, businesses prefer to hire software development companies that have consultants who have the skills to deal with various difficulties that come from software development. They have the expertise of offering the best services that fulfill business requirements and recommend suitable implementations.

11 Tips for Effective Software Development Strategy

Wednesday October 25, 2023

Software development strategy is a planned and systematic action taken with the goal of fulfilling an idea, plan, or objective of software development solutions. It includes a detailed strategy that facilitates rapid product development at every stage from requirements collecting through market launch.

What is ERP Software Development, and Why Do You Need It ?

Monday October 23, 2023

In today’s time, every organization from every domain is moving towards digital transformation to stay ahead of the competition in offering the best services to their clients. For this, businesses need to hire software development service providers that can help them with accurate planning and real-time control of the business process. Using enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems guarantees these types of business procedures, which not only integrate any business processes but also help in managing them.

eCommerce Integration: A Comprehensive Guide

Friday October 20, 2023

Having an ecommerce  store is just the beginning of many other aspects involved in running a successful ecommerce business. Hence, eCommerce development services like customer relationship management systems, marketing tools, business intelligence tools, accounting packages, reporting suites and countless more are required to meet the operational demands of ecommerce business owners.