Laravel Vs Ruby on Rails: An In-depth Comparison

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The process of picking a suitable backend framework can be exhausting when it comes to web development projects. Numerous options are available in the market and it has given way to many popular rivalries. Laravel vs Ruby on Rails is one such debate. 

Both are popular and have very robust backend frameworks. It’s essential to avoid picking a framework because it is a traditional go-to option or the latest trend. Instead, take time to inside out your options, and evaluate them against your requirements to find a suitable match for your web project.

1. Overview of Laravel Framework

Laravel is the most popular PHP web development framework. It is open-source and uses MVC design patterns to create all kinds of web apps ranging from small-scale to large-scale projects. 

Laravel has support from a great community that is continuously striving to advance the framework. More importantly, it comes with detailed documentation. So, it is easy to learn and use. 

This PHP framework provides built-in support for caching, authentication, routing, and session management, which are fundamental for modern web development. Its robust ORM system called Eloquent helps PHP developers simplify data queries and database interactions. 

Laravel is known for its comprehensive features, that include a diverse range of built-in properties for development, testing, debugging, and deployment. Additionally, if you need to extend its functionalities, Laravel supports a multitude of plugins.

2. Features of Laravel

Laravel is widely used across the world by most web developers because it is a feature-rich framework. It helps make the web development process more straightforward, hence building an app with fewer lines of code and fewer bugs. 

2.1 MVC Architecture

Laravel makes it easy to maintain and scale apps because the web framework adopts a Model-View-Controller pattern. This architecture style provides a specific set of rules for building and scaling web applications. 

It is to ensure that your PHP code is consistent and well-structured. More importantly, Laravel can separate the business logic and presentation layer using MVC design patterns. This architecture has many built-in functions that can enhance the security and performance of your application. 

2.2 Unit-Testing

Laravel leverages PHPUnit, which is integrated into the framework, to support unit testing. This allows developers to test specific functions or sections of code under different test cases to ensure it works up to expectations. This has proved to be very useful especially to make sure that new code modifications wouldn’t break the existing functionality of the web application. 

2.3 Security

Laravel ensures web app security by employing hashed and salted passwords. This means the passwords aren’t saved in the database as plain text but are encrypted using hashing algorithms like BCrypt. 

The PHP framework protects against potential SQL injection attacks by exercising ready-made SQL statements. It can easily evade the user injection of any script tag by escaping all the user inputs. User authentication and secure routes are some other notable security features offered in Laravel. 

2.4 Artisan Tool

Artisan, Laravel’s command line tool helps automate repetitive programming tasks. It also assists in programming and building the basic structure of the database. Implementing the Artisan tool in migration jobs simplifies the behemoth task of handling multiple database systems.  

The command line tool generates unique MVC files to communicate with assets and configurations. Artisan is also helpful in creating and using your commands.

3. Overview of Ruby on Rails Framework

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is an open-source web development framework based on Ruby. It is particularly useful in building complex web applications. Many web developers prefer Ruby on Rails because it helps reduce development time. 

RoR is a framework that prefers convention over configuration. This means it provides guidelines on how to write and structure your code. RoR also adheres to the Don’t Repeat Yourself principle that encourages developers to avoid using any redundant logic for efficient web app development. 

Being a feature-rich framework, Ruby on Rails offers comprehensive tools and libraries for testing, scaffolding, and database integration.  It also supports JSON and XML for data exchange. Its MVC architecture is an established industry standard for generating web pages and online services.

The simplicity and expressive syntax of Ruby on Rails are among the major reasons why developers prefer to use this framework. It also has strong and active community support because of its open-source nature.

4. Features of Ruby on Rails

This framework is increasingly adopted by many companies and developers as a part of their tech stack for web development services. Some of the important features of Ruby on Rails are discussed below: 

4.1 Development Speed

RoR significantly reduces development time by speeding the process with its unique features that simplify complex tasks. For example, its package management system is so efficient that it allows you to scaffold a complex app with just a few commands. 

The expressive and concise nature of the Ruby language also plays a defining role in accelerating the app development process. Its Object Relational Mapping system enables web developers to integrate the data logic with the app and deploy a fully functioning prototype. 

The framework also offers various open-source libraries, otherwise popular as ‘gems’ in the Ruby on Rails community, to accomplish different development-related tasks. 

4.2 Database Support

RoR supports numerous databases, including SQLite, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. This allows Ruby on Rails developers to choose a database that meets their project requirements, may it be for small-scale web apps or large enterprise applications. The modular architecture of this framework offers seamless integration with various databases ensuring ease of use and compatibility. 

RoR also allows developers to switch between different databases. It also makes sure that developers can easily interact with the database and are able to run complex data operations through its database abstraction layer. 

4.3 Flexible

Ruby on Rails is a flexible framework that can be configured to meet your specific project requirements. Switching to more suitable attributes of Rails helps simplify both frontend and backend web development. For example, if you prefer not to use the plus operator “+”, you can easily switch from the numeric class to the text class. After all, using the word plus is equally effective. 

4.4 Active Record

Active Record is an ORM library that enhances database interactions by providing Ruby classes. This allows developers to avoid writing raw SQL and can easily focus on building better business logic for their web apps. 

By utilizing the Active Record module, you can not only create data and business logic but also build model elements in the Ruby on Rails framework. Its primary purpose is to manage all the database-related tasks such as creating, editing, removing, storing, and retrieving data. 

Active Record’s ORM method helps connect your web app’s rich objects with database tables. This allows you to store and define the data, specifying how it is related to other data.

5. Laravel Vs Ruby on Rails: A Detailed Comparison

It’s essential to compare your options against several factors to find out which framework is better suited for your project. Similarly, here we draw out a detailed comparison for the sake of Laravel vs Ruby on Rails to help you make an informed decision. 

5.1 Syntax and Language

Knowing the programming language that works behind the scenes reveals much about the framework, from its community and ecosystem to its robustness and reliability. The syntax of the language is also an important factor in determining whether the framework is complex or easy to use. 


Laravel is based on a PHP programming language that has a simple syntax. The ease of learning borne from its simplicity makes the Laravel framework accessible for developers from different levels of experience. 

Many developers are familiar with PHP, its syntax is also widely adopted. This makes it easy to get started with or transition to using Laravel for your project. This PHP framework, with its elegant syntax and modern features, encourages you to write clean and concise code that is easy to read and helps build a manageable application.

Ruby on Rails 

Ruby is a programming language popular for its simplicity and developer-friendly syntax, particularly used in the RoR framework. The syntax of this language is so clear and expressive that writing Ruby code feels like you are writing in a natural language. Without a doubt, the coding experience will be enjoyable, whereas the code itself will be expressive and readable. This helps streamline the development process and improve code maintainability.

5.2 Scalability

As the business grows over time, the application must also be capable of bearing more load in terms of increased traffic and data. The scalability of a framework suggests whether apps built with it can adjust to changing business requirements. 


Laravel is built with a modular architecture, which makes it highly scalable and suitable for different project sizes ranging from small web applications to large enterprise apps. It also supports horizontal scaling, enabling the distribution of workload across multiple servers without any hassle. In short, Laravel is an ideal option for projects of all sizes and ensures seamless growth with enhanced scalability. 

Ruby on Rails 

Ruby on Rails applications can be quite scalable. However, you need to implement effective caching and optimization strategies along with a well-built architecture to make it possible. The RoR framework itself is not scalable but it has been at the foundation of many successful applications. To maximize scalability, it is essential to apply the right scaling techniques.

5.3 Performance

Performance is the hallmark for which every framework and every application is tested. Speed is essential and so is the ability to handle or carry out different software operations without breaking or slowing down. 


Though Laravel is based on PHP, which is a faster programming language, the framework is slower in certain scenarios. However, the performance issue is not affected by any production environment. To enhance the performance, developers can implement various optimization best practices. 

Ruby on Rails 

Ruby on Rails is a framework known for its productivity. But this often comes at the cost of performance. Similar to Laravel, the Ruby on Rails framework is slower than its programming language, Ruby. Some even claim that it’s slower than Laravel. 

However, the performance can be improved through the utilization of appropriate methods and coding practices. After all, RoR has helped create some high-performing web applications. Rails mainly struggle with poor memory optimization. So implementing suitable memory optimization techniques can just help improve the performance of Rails applications.

5.4 Security

Security is of paramount importance for any web application. Developers must ensure that there aren’t any bugs or vulnerabilities in their code that can be easily exploited. A secure framework allows web developers to take proper measures to build secure web apps. 


Laravel is one of the most secure development frameworks compared to other PHP frameworks. It provides numerous built-in features like API authentication, hashed and salted passwords, etc, to protect your app against potential security threats. You can also follow Laravel security best practices to ensure the protection of your data and code. 

Ruby on Rails 

The Rails framework does offer multiple features like parameterized queries to avoid common security threats. However, the responsibility of building an overall secure web app falls upon the developers. They must implement all the safeguards manually, as the framework does not have enough security support. Moreover, you must also identify the security vulnerabilities in the RoR code and rectify them on your own.

5.5 Management of URLs and Patterns

Handling URLs and routing patterns is an important aspect of backend development. It is not only beneficial from the SEO perspective but also makes your web apps more user-friendly. However, all of it depends on the capabilities of your web development framework to handle routing patterns and URLs. 


Laravel comes with a user-friendly routing system that helps you define routes easily. It also provides many features like model binding, middleware, etc, that make it easy to work with different routes and URLs dynamically. These features enable you to add logic to your routes and URLs effectively. 

Ruby on Rails 

Ruby on Rails also offers a robust routing system that allows web developers to define routes and URLs using RESTful principles. This helps you systematically determine the URL paths.

6. Basic Code Examples

Now, let’s take a look at some of the coding examples of both Laravel and Rails frameworks. This will give us a working understanding of these web development frameworks. To make this comparison easy, we will consider the same coding concept for both Laravel and RoR. 

6.1 Laravel

We will take a look at the code for the route, controller, and model in the Laravel development framework. 

1. Route

// routes/api.php

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

// Basic Route
Route::get('/users', 'UserController@index');

// Route with parameters
Route::get('/users/{id}', 'UserController@show');

// POST request for storing a user
Route::post('/users', 'UserController@store');

// app/Http/Controllers/UserController.php

The above code mentions 3 routes: 

  1. /users/{id} is an http get method used to call the UserController’s Index Method. 
  2. Calling the /user/{id} route helps get a specific user based on the ID, which is susceptible to change. For example, if your ID is 12, then the URL will look like /users/12, and this route will call the UserController’s show function. 
  3. Collecting data from the API and forms, a post method named /users passes all information to the UserController’s store method.

2. Controller

// app/Http/Controllers/UserController.php

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class UserController extends Controller
    // Show all users
    public function index()
        return response()->json(User::all());

    // Show a single user
    public function show($id)
        return response()->json(User::findOrFail($id));

    // Store a new user
    public function store(Request $request)
        $user = User::create($request->all());
        return response()->json($user, 201);

This code shows three methods: index, show, and store. 

  1. The Index Method leverages the User model to return call user data in a JSON format. 
  2. The Show method is used to find a specific user base on $id and return the User data in the JSON format. 
  3. Collecting all the data from API, the Store method would update or create a new user-based Post Data.

3. Models

/ app/Models/User.php

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
    protected $fillable = ['name', 'email'];


We define all the fields and columns of the table in a  Laravel model, along with their relation with other models. Along with this, we have utilized the $fillable variable in the above code to store data in the name and email column of the post request. We can add more columns by separating the data with a comma. 

6.2 Ruby on Rails

Now, let’s see how the same coding concepts would look if they were written using the Ruby on Rails development framework.

1. Route

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # Basic Route
  get '/users', to: 'users#index'
  # Route with parameters
  get '/users/:id', to: 'users#show'
  # POST request for storing a user
  post '/users', to: 'users#create'
# app/controllers/users_controller.rb

We talk about three routes in the above code: 

  1. The UserController’s Index method will be called using the get ‘/users’. 
  2. We have a variable “id” in the get’/users/:id’ whose value can be changed. For example, if we have 12 as id then our URL will be /users/12 which is called using the UserController’s show method. 
  3. To submit the data from the API/form to this route, just call the UserController’s create method with the post ‘/users’.

2. Controller

# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
class UsersController 

This code demonstrates the use of index, show, and create methods in the Ruby on Rails code. 

  1. The Index method from the User model allows you to return all the users in JSON format. 
  2. After gathering all the data from the API/form, the create method will update or create a new user record. As a security measure, the user_params method allows you to use only specific fields while creating the record. 
  3. To fetch the specific user depending on the ID and return the User data in a JSON format, we used the show method

3. Models

# app/models/user.rb
class User 

We can define table names, relations, business logic, validations, callbacks, and utility methods in the Model. The above code shows validations for name and email. For email, we added the validation that it should be unique. 

7. What Is Laravel Used For?

Laravel web development framework can be utilized for the following purposes: 

7.1 Creating Enterprise-grade Apps

Laravel is capable of handling numerous requests simultaneously, which comes in handy when building complex web apps. On top of that, it offers a certain set of features, such as ActiveRecord and unit testing support, which are ideal for developing enterprise-grade applications.

7.2 High-Security Applications

Security features like hashed secret words arranged SQL, and crypt hashing calculation from Laravel help you build a secure application.

Apart from this, Laravel can be very useful in building content management systems, customer relationship management systems, healthcare, and social media networking applications.

8. What Is Ruby on Rails Used For?

Rails framework seems like an ideal option in the following use cases: 

8.1 Creating eCommerce Application

Many popular eCommerce platforms, including Shopify, are built using the Rails framework. It is enough to prove the eCommerce development capabilities of this framework. RoR helps you quickly create an eCommerce app. You can use Gems to fulfill any specific requirements or integrate additional functions into your online store. 

8.2 Developing Custom Web Applications

If you are working on a niche project that requires specific functionalities to develop a custom web app then RoR is the right fit for it. This option is also cost-effective when it comes to custom web app development. 

On top of that, RoR developers can also use this framework for backend development in mobile applications, creating static site generators, DevOps and automation, web scraping, and data processing.

9. Conclusion

After going through the overview, unique features, detailed comparison, and real-life use cases, it's time to make a decision. 

For small or time-sensitive projects, it's advisable to use Ruby on Rails. It provides detailed documentation and has features, especially its use of convention over configuration principle making rapid development possible. Moreover, Rails’ extensive library supports a wide range of projects, as discussed in the above section. 

On the other hand, we have Laravel, which is based on PHP. This robust framework provides modern features that help handle database migration and other complex operations. It can also integrate with third-party tools to fulfill your specific requirements. 

After all, the decision to choose the right web app development framework boils down to your project. Identify your needs and pick a framework that is most suitable for the job.


Which famous websites use Laravel?

Vogue, BBC, Vanity Fair, and Invoice Ninja are some of the famous websites that use Laravel. 

Is Ruby on Rails a dying language?

No, Ruby on Rails is not a dying language. On the contrary, it is continuously evolving to keep up with the latest trends for web development in the future. Ruby on Rails has great community support that works relentlessly for the advancement of the framework.


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